Interview With an Inventor

52 Days: Skyler Smith, you are ten years old and an inventor. In the last twenty-four hours you have invented a stick belt, a rope swing, a toy for entertaining your brother, a kite, woven jewelry and charcoal ink. To what do you attribute this incredible burst of creativity?
Skyler Smith: Being bored.
52 Days: Of which invention are you most proud?
Skyler Smith: The woven necklace and bracelets I put together with just my fingers.
52 Days: Where do you find materials for your inventions?
Skyler Smith: On the ground lying around.
52 Days: Which of your inventions surprised you the most?
Skyler Smith: The pencil and ink. I took a piece of the tree that's burnt and I smashed it into dust. Then, I mixed it with water to make the ink. I sharpened a stick to make the pencil.
52 Days: Which of your inventions do you think are the most practical to share.
Skyler Smith: Bracelet and necklace. I already gave a necklace to Ulises' baby (Norah), Lupita, Daddy and Mommy.
52 Days: What do you call the invention where you tied a string to a baseball cap and you yanked it away from your brother whenever he tried to grab it?
Skyler Smith: The living hat.
52 Days: What advice would you give to other kids your age who are interested in becoming inventors?
Skyler Smith: Think of stuff to invent.
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