Single Digit Year Notation

When marking the date on memos, home-made cd's and hand written notes, why waste your time writing a superfluous zero before the year digit? Doesn't 6/21/5 mean the same as 6/21/05? Do you waste your energy writing a zero before single digit months? Do you have to write 06/21 to remind yourself that June is the sixth month and that the six represents a single digit number? Likewise, we can assume that a year expressed as a single digit is from the units column.
We are in a unique decade in history. We will never again see zeros in the ten's place of years in our lifetime. Let's embrace the remaining years of this span and express these years as single digits. There is no risk of confusion, we will eliminate the physical exertion of having to write unnecessary zeros, and we will be celebrating the special qualities of the first decade of this century.
The jury is still out on the commentary, but you do take some excellent pictures. Just another art to tap into.
There are also too many letters in the alphabet; I support the removal of 3.
Hey anon, that would work if 3 was a letter of the alphabet...
Thanks Garrett! Maybe I'll drop the year all together and make up for lost time.
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