52 Days in Mexico

My real life is only 52 days a year starting tomorrow.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Vacation Within A Vacation

View of Alameda

There was a rich moment of bed stretching this morning when I recognized during the transition to wakefulness that I was alone in Guanajuato for the weekend. Rosy and the kids are safe and content in Salamanca. I will: hike, read Dune, listen to live music tonight with George and Nick, outline the "Janos" novel, work on TC project, write the "Cone of Silence" and sleep an extra 30 minutes.

No babies or ten year olds jumping on my chest. No imperative errands to buy evaporated milk. No sour diapers to process. Twist. Stretch. Extend toes. Breath deep. Roll eyeballs back inside my head for an extended session. Dream.


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