52 Days in Mexico

My real life is only 52 days a year starting tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Hike to the Caves

Clarissa showing off the cave entrance she scrambled through Clarissa has been keeping a journal of our vacation that she writes in with a giant blue pencil from the Guanajuato market. She wrote an entry about our hike to the caves on Saturday. Clarissa, Skyler and I enjoyed them deeply.

We climbed the road to the Bufa for a half hour checking out the view of Guanajuato. We went straight to the deepest cave which is called either Garrett's Cave, Skyler's Cave or Two-way cave, depending on which one of us you talk to. The entrance is a tight squeeze and quickly separates into two passages. The left tunnel slopes down into a subterranean pool of water. The right tunnel continues deep into the mountain, but we turned around after forty yards. Skyler turned off the flashlight for a second so we could get freaked out by the darkness. A view from the depths

This reminded me of the time I visited a commercial cave in Chiapas in which the lighting system wasn't working. I rented a weak flashlight from an Indian woman who was selling jewelry at the entrance. It gave off less light than a lit cigarette and I had to thump it against my thigh avery ten steps to jiggle the batteries when it went out on me. Altogether, I went in about half a mile. I was never worried about getting stranded inside. I just assumed that some tourist with another weak flashlight would eventually come along and step on me.

Taking a breather on our hike to the caves

Wouldn't it be cool if there was an ocean under these bluffs and the Acapulco cliff divers would come for an exhibition?


At 10:11 PM, July 05, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A word to the wise: When spelunking, don't forget your crampons.


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