52 Days in Mexico

My real life is only 52 days a year starting tomorrow.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

We Are All Molecules

Moss never grows on a rolling stone frog We are all molecules colliding with each other. Sometimes the impact is pleasant, and we try to intertwine our electrons as we fly through space. At other times, the impact is harmful. We are left spinning and damaged through the void. We exert hopeful energy to steer our course by our decisions. This is Free Will.

If individuals exercise Free Will to choose Good and abstain from Evil, we will become molecules that flow in an integrated path to form a single entity. The conciousness of this entity is already a part of us. It is the universal layer of shared conciousness that unites all souls on earth. It is what George Lucas calls, "The Force".


At 2:33 PM, June 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't tell the midichlorians that. they'll be pissed.

At 9:58 PM, July 05, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doesn't an evil molecule which consciously chooses evil rather than good, also flow on an integrated path to peace? Or so the sith would have us believe...


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