52 Days in Mexico

My real life is only 52 days a year starting tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

International Film Festival Expresión En Corto

Expresión en corto is a four day short film festival that attracts people from all over México

Rosy and I saw two clusters of shorts today in the festival. Experimental films and animation. The experimental films included Kasino 2001, a bizarre German hillbilly fantasy that ends with a woman clutching a dead baby, and Flooding the Victoria Plains, the animated film about a tour bus that gets hijacked by a heavy breathing aquaphile who delights in seeing everyone submerged beneath the waters of a newly constructed reservoir.Notice the bathrooms that hang over the street

The animations included a Spanish film about a boy who travels to mars in his grandfather's tow truck. His booger-eating classmates don't believe the story. There was also a claymation piece about a snow hare with carrot lust so strong he chases a snowman into the city to try to steal his nose. They join forces to escape a ferocious dog and seal their friendship by snapping the nose in half and eating it.


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