52 Days in Mexico

My real life is only 52 days a year starting tomorrow.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

We Will Be On Film, I Think

The plaza where Quijote once walked is now the scene of foul-mouthed young actors

Film crews are busy today in Guanajuato. Five teams are participating in the "Rally Yerbabuena". They have 24 hours to make and edit a movie. Their camera was made of styrofoam, but I'm pretty sure it had filmThe sponsors of the festival provide them with cameras, lighting equipment, sound equipment, an editing station and actors. The results will be shown tomorrow night in the State Auditorium at 6:00.

We watched the yellow team film a scene in San Roque Plaza for their short film, Muerte Anunciada. It took them a half hour to film a dude in slicked-back hair screaming, "Tienes que hacerte muerto o no te pagan la lana, cabrĂ³n!" (You have to be dead or they won't pay you the cash, as*hole!") I can hardly wait to see how that scene fits into their project.


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